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The Wizard of Oz encapsulates you with a dynamic set design, that is both imaginative and bursting with colour, creating an atmosphere that is bizarrely wonderful and, in part, reminiscent of an Austin Powers film crossed with a Pet Shop Boys concert. It’s wonderfully psychedelic, and that’s just for starters, even before we get to the cast …

The incredible vocals are a highlight of the show, with Aviva Tulley delivering a powerful portrayal as Dorothy. Her rendition of the classic “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” was full of prowess, captivating the audience from the start.

Aston Merrygold as The Tin Man

Other standout performances include Aston Merrygold as the Tin Man, who brings super slick moves (excuse the pun) and a belter of a voice to the role. Benjamin Yates is hilariously endearing as the Scarecrow, and Nic Greenshields perfectly embodies the Cowardly Lion with his towering presence and nuance. The dynamic between these characters is truly special, adding a rich layer of camaraderie and charm to the production.

Dorothy and friends

And how could we forget the most wicked of witches? Craig Revel Horwood dazzles as he whizzes around the stage on a space-age broomstick that reminded me of a Dyson—an idea I might even try at home! Who knew he had such a powerful voice? His performance is wickedly delightful.

Craig Revel Horwood as The Wicked Witch of the West

The additional music and lyrics by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice enhance the original score, bringing fresh energy to the beloved tunes. This production of “The Wizard of Oz” is a fast-paced, funny, and visually stunning extravaganza. It’s a feast of absorbing entertainment that will leave you with a beaming smile long after the curtain falls.

Emily Bull as Glinda and Aviva Tulley as Dorothy

The show runs until this Sunday, the 16th. Tickets are limited, so be quick and grab yours here to experience this mesmerising production.