Six new dates have been added to Royal Birmingham Conservatoire’s popular Lunchtime Concerts series. The free Monday series has been proving a real hit with online audiences missing the live concert experience.

Jack Parry
Lasting just under an hour, the filmed concerts are the perfect lunchtime break and are performed by musicians from the Conservatoire (part of Birmingham City University) who are at the very highest level of study and already launching their professional careers.

Boglarka György
From the many comments from audience members, it is clear the series is filling a void in people’s lives right now:
“These performances are an absolute joy and help me face yet another week in lockdown”. “My heart goes out to all the superb talent at RBC during these times, including those behind the scenes. Thank you to everyone for finding a way to bring this wonderful concert to us!”

Archie Auger
As well as being enjoyed by viewers, the concerts are giving students a high quality, professionally filmed performance opportunity and providing a connection with virtual audiences at a time when physical concerts are not possible.

Ella Lee
The new dates in February and March continue the existing series and showcase a wealth of talent and variety of music with concerts featuring the harp and saxophone departments; operatic arias; mixed recitals of music for trumpet, bassoon, guitar, flute and piano; and a solo piano recital.